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The economic encyclopedia of regions of Russia

The economic encyclopedia of regions of Russia

History of research-and-production association "Economy"

History of Economics

Research-and-production association "Economy" is one of the largest publishing centers of Russia including widely known in country and abroad Publishing house " Economy ", All-Russian public organization " Russian club of economists " and the noncommercial organization " National scientific fund ".

In 2006 research-and-production association "Economy" marks the 85-years anniversary. Its all history is connected with release scientific, educational and reference books which is the mirror of economic and social processes, the reformatory transformations occurring in the state and society, and also results of researches of the largest scientific and educational institutes of the country.

The foundation of “RPA "Economy" should be connected with the advent of one of the largest Russian economic publishing houses "Economy", formed on the basis of some operating publishing structures and divisions.

In the historical plan the process of formation and development of publishing structures and divisions has been connected with the purposes and problems of social and economic development of the country in the post-revolutional period. So, in December, 1921 the publishing department of the state panto-planning commission of the USSR from which in 1925 publishing house "Planned economy" was allocated at the State plan of the USSR, existed till 1930 was established. During this period the publishing house mainly was engaged in release of a different sort of statistical accounting forms, brochures and techniques of a methodological and methodical structure on panto-planning and economic subjects.

In 1930 on the basis of merge of publishing houses "Planned economies" and "Statizdat" was established the plan-statistical publishing house "Planstatizdat". It was the period of the first five-year plans, the period of industrialization, creation and fast development of some industries. In conditions of strengthening of processes of the state centralization of economy and planning the publishing house has concentrated on releasing of the literature of economical structure reflecting specificity of that period.

The problems of perfection of the technique and methodology of planning, branch and territorial rates and proportions of development of a national economy, some narrow questions of the economic theory (a production efficiency, pricings, problems of concentration, etc.) were considered .

In 1938 according to plan-statistical publishing house "Planstatizdat" has been transformed to the State publishing house "Gosplanizdat" which existed under such name till August 1957. In 1957 the publishing house of economical literature ("Gosplanizdat ") reorganized together with publishing house "Gostorgizdat" and publishing house Tsentrosojuza in August, 1963 in publishing house " Economy " of the State committee on a press at Sovmin of the USSR has been created. Thus establishing of the publishing house "Economy" was a part of the work spent by the country on formation of more effective and specialized system of book publishing. In 1964 the Decision of the State Committee on a press behind the publishing house "Economy" was fixed the issuing of the literature on problems of economy, planning of the national economy, organization of management by the national economy, the state both cooperative trade and a number of other questions. The new structure of publishing house generated under new problems, included eleven editorial offices in concrete directions, and also editorial offices of magazines "Planned economies", "the Soviet trade",  "Public catering".

During the period from 1957 to 1964 one of the prior directions of work of publishing house "Economy" was the edition of the economic literature on a problems reflecting an essence of transformations spent by the country.

In 1967 was generated the structure of the first publishing Board at publishing house "Economy" in Leningrad which structure included leading Leningrad scientists-economists, economists-experts, heads of economical structures of the region.

For the considered period from 1965 to 1975 the circle of problems of publishing house extended. The publishing house puts into operation with the foreign organizations and scientists concerning the publishing in our country of the translation scientific literature. Work on decrease in the cost price of output production is improved, quality assurance of polygraphic works amplifies, advertising and selling of books, journal and other production of publishing house is organized.

In 1976 in publishing house "Economy" were generated the structures of Publishing Board and editorial Board in thematic directions. In particular, the structure of Publishing Board included 23 doctors of sciences, 11 candidates of sciences, ranking officers of party and state bodies, heads of the industrial enterprises.

With the beginning of the period of reorganization, in 1985 in publishing house "Economy" the Advisory council on problems of scientific and technical progress was established. Its structure included representatives of the academic circles, research economic institutes, high schools, the ministries and departments. The structure of publishing house reorganized once again included ten specialized on a subject editorial offices of the literature, seven editorial offices of the magazines, two editorial offices of bulletins. Specific features of the given period in the certain measure have affected subjects of the published literature. During the same time volumes of the published economic literature on market subjects, and also the translation economic literature increased.

In 1995 there was a transformation of publishing house "Economy" to the open joint-stock company.

The necessity to correspond to rigid requirements of the market of the economic literature has demanded strengthening scientifically-editorial work in publishing house "Economy". In 1997 Scientifically-editorial Board under the presidency of the Editor-in-chief of publishing house the doctor of economical sciences (E.D.) Shamhalov F.I. was established. The present structure of the Board included leading Russian scientists-economists, representatives of sphere of business, the ministries and departments, regions: Shamhalov F. (chairman).

The functions of Scientifically-editorial Board in publishing house "Economy" include the definition of priority scientific directions of publishing of the economic literature, realization of selective support under the publishing of scientific works of young scientists and experts, representation of interests of publishing house in the scientific world of Russia, formation of intermediate term and long-term policy of publishing of the economic literature in view of concrete scientific priorities, carrying out of scientific reviewing of manuscripts.

Work of Scientifically-editorial Board is spent in such economic scientific directions, as the economic theory, regional economy, economic geography, economic-mathematical modeling, management, marketing, economy of business, economic, economy and the organization of industrial production, economy of industries, etc.

Publishing house "Economy" is included into number of specialized publishing houses of Russia, deeply researching scientific subjects in the field of the economic theory, management, marketing, the finance and the credit, the analysis of economic activities of the enterprises.

For last years the issue of the translation scientific literature, and also the books generalizing experience of leading industrial corporations of the USA, Germany, Japan and other developed countries has increased. Publishing house "Economy" issues manuals for students and teachers of economic high schools and faculties. Books publishing by the publishing house, become a unique material for the serious reader. In close cooperation with the Academic council the Department of strategic development consisting of young perspective economists, owning works as modern theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

The strategy of publishing developed by Scientifically-editorial Board assumes alongside with increase in quantity of names and volumes of release educational and reference books expansion of release of serial editions. The books which are let out during the long time in series "the Economic heritage", "The Economists – The Nobel prize winners", "the Practical work of a businessman" use steady reader's demand. Now together with Branch of economy of the Russian Academy of Science the publishing of a series of books "the Russian academicians about economy" is begun. The Editorial board of a series is headed by the academician-secretary of Branch of economy of the Russian Academy of Science academician D.S. Lvov. The new series "System problems of Russia" includes about 30 monographic researches, dated to the 275 anniversary of the Russian academy of sciences. An overall objective of its release is the creation of a full picture of social and economic, political and scientific and technical development of Russia on one of critical stages of its history. The chairman of an editorial board - director of Institute of problems of the market of the Russian Academy of Science academician N.J. Petrakov.

Collections of a series "Today and tomorrow of the Russian economy" are the arena for young scientists who, continuing nice traditions of a domestic science, take a keen interest in research activity and show high competence.

The large publishing project of RPA "Economy" on a boundary of centuries (1999-2001) is the idea of creation of "the Economic encyclopedia of regions of Russia" in 94 volumes, from which 88 volumes - on subjects of Federation, 5 volumes - on the country as a whole and one volume – the reference. The given project consists in an estimation of the real scientifically-technological and economic, including geoeconomic potential of this or that region, competitiveness of its economic complexes, ordering of the information of naturally-climatic, historical, cultural, resource, social and economic, demographic, political and other character.

The basic purpose of this All-Russia project is development of a complete picture of preconditions, conditions, features and the major directions of social and economic, scientifically-technological and political development of the Russian Federation on one of critical stages of its history. Also one of overall objectives of researches is development of recommendations concerning optimum forms, ways and means of an output from crisis and maintenance of steady growth of a national economy as a whole and each of 88 subjects of the Russian Federation in view of their specific features separately. In the given project "the Economic encyclopedia of regions of Russia" is collected the unique information which will be useful, first of all, to potential investors who can receive operative and a trustworthy information of economic, social and political character for acceptance of the considered and proved decisions, and also to the readers interested in history. Reflecting real position in this or that region, the edition can provide a choice of optimum objects of investments, a substantiation of their scales, conditions of investment, the major characteristics of reception of possible profit, etc. Moreover, those elements of economy of regions which can be the most attractive to potential investors not only from Russia, but also from abroad, will be considered and analyzed by authors of the project more detailed and comprehensively.

The edition is supervised by the Main editorial board in structure of 35 scientific-economists, large economic figures, heads of the ministries, departments, its scientific advisers and Scientifically-editorial Board of publishing house "Economy". For preparation of each separate volume on region the editorial board in structure of 7-10 people is created, and, in turn, the editorial board is headed by the representative of scientific community in coordination with Administration of the subject of Federation.

Now are issued three volumes of "the Economic encyclopedia of regions of Russia" –devoted to the Sverdlovskaya area, Republic Bashkortostan, the Volgograd area. The main task of the research-and-production association consists in realization of the given project by 2010.

In connection with that financing of the project is carried out by the research-and-production association, Scientifically-editorial Board RPA recommended the Board of directors together with "National scientific fund" to develop operatively the new directions of activity of association which would provide financing this grandiose project.

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